12/10/2013 20:33


Downloading flies using torrent clients are usually blocked in many universities and colleges.  Reason behind this  is torrent clients while downloading files  takes lot of network bandwidth  and this affects  other users internet  speed. So download will not start in these software. The most popular torrent clients which are normally blocked in firewalls are BitTorrent , uTorrent ,tixtati ,vuze etc.

Here are some methods through which one can bypass these restrictions.

First you should  open the bittorrents sites which provide link for downloading  torrent files, some of these sites are,,, etc. If these sites are blocked then you have to use one of the proxy clients like tor , proxifier ,hotspotshield etc. These proxyclients will open the torrent sites for you. In my college proxy client  tor is blocked but proxifier works.

Next you need a BitTorrent client for downloading the files.The software which i found to be best at this is torrent2exe.


It is  a small BitTorrent client. Its basic idea is to let users download a custom-built EXE program with the torrent file integrated into it. Here you get three option for downloading the file any one of the option is sufficient .

1.You can download the 1.47MB client software and use it like uTorrent or bitTorrent by adding torrent files.

2.You can enter the URL of a torrent file in torrent2exe main home page and proceed for download  , it will give you a .exe file integrated with torrent file and download will start automatically.

3.You can upload the torrent file in the main page and start the download , for a single download client software is also not required.

The speed of downloading will depend on its peers and seeders.For continuing download user have to upload some data.There is also a trick for those who have download limit set by their administrator on internet usage and hence do not want to upload much . The trick is if upload speed is higher than download  then you can pause the download for a few 10-15seconds and then resume it . This time you will get a higher download speed with a reduced upload speed.

Here after download is completed you can convert the downloaded file into an .exe program and share the links on sites,blog  which makes downloading easier for other users.

zbigz is another great site for downloading BitTorrent files. It lets you download files stored in the BitTorrent network using the servers – the servers act as a proxy for you  and provides direct download links for torrent files with no additional client software is required for downloading .You should  create a free account and upload the torrent file or paste the magnet link . This starts caching the torrent files on its server and direct download links are made available.The speed of caching may vary for different torrent file.The more the number of peers and seeders, caching will be faster. Then clicking the download button download starts automatically in browser . Here free accounts  cached files stays  on the server for 7 days  with a maximum file size limit of 8GB.

There are some other sites which works Torcache ,Boxopus  ,  BitLet.

Hope you find this article useful  :)